范文参考网 > 范文大全 > 范文集锦 > 感恩教师节英语手抄报内容2021


发布时间:2021-08-16 编辑整理:范文参考网 来源:范文集锦 手机版




Ah,with you,the garden is so beautiful and the earth is full of spring!Teacher,open the window quickly.The garden is full of spring and peaches and plums.They are saluting you!Without the nourishment of your thoughts,how could so many beautiful soul flowers bloom?Ah,teacher,the engineer of human soul,who doesn't praise you!Spreading knowledge is sowing hope and happiness.

Teacher,you are the sower of hope and happiness!Teacher,you are the cultivator and planter of beauty.It is you who shine with beautiful sunshine and moisten with beautiful rain and dew that make our hearts green with grass and flowers!You are busy for the blooming of flowers and the maturity of fruits,silently hanging the shade of leaves!Ah,teacher,your spirit,always remember my heart!

You are more like the unknown root,which makes the small tree thrive and the branches full of rich fruits,but you don't ask for any reward.You gave us a ruler of life and let us measure it every day;You have given us a mirror of exemplary behavior and let us have an example to learn from everywhere.

You are the bridge,connecting the cut mountains for us,and let us go to the peak of harvest;You are a green vine,tough and slender,guiding us to collect Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng on the top of the cliff.When the seedlings need a glass of water,never send a bucket of water;And when a bucket of water is needed,never give a glass of water.Timely and appropriate giving is the skill of a good gardener.My teacher,this is your educational art.Regardless of hard work,it is easy to plant flowers but difficult to cultivate people.Yougu Feixiang is unusual.Poems and paintings are all over the world.Talents are smiling.

Teacher,you use the most noble feelings of mankind - love,sow spring,sow ideals,sow power...Sow with language,cultivate with colored pens,irrigate with sweat and moisten with painstaking efforts.This is the noble work of our beloved teacher.

You work today,but you are building the future of the motherland;Your teaching is in the classroom,but your achievements are in all directions of the motherland.Teacher,if you are compared to a clam,then the students are the sand in the clam;You lick it,grind it,soak it and wash it with love...Over the years,the sand has become pearls and glittering.

Your teaching career has countless proud and happy memories,but you treasure them in your heart and just look at the garden to be developed.If I were a poet,I would write poems with full enthusiasm to praise the vastness and far-reaching of the sea.And dedicate it to you -- my broad-minded and knowledgeable teacher.

Teachers are kindling,which ignites the fire of students' hearts;Teachers are stone steps and bear the students' step-by-step climb up.

You are like a candle.Although it is thin,it has a little heat and a little light,illuminating others and exhausting yourself.This selfless dedication will never be forgotten.Your lecture language is as sweet as a tinkling mountain spring,as kind as a gurgling brook,as fierce as a rushing river

Spring silkworm hasn't said anything boasting in her life.The silver silk spit out is a ruler to measure the value of life.Dear teacher,you never show off in front of others,but the blooming peaches and plums are the highest evaluation of you.

Your love is warm as the sun,warm as the spring breeze and sweet as the clear spring.Your love is more severe than father's love,more delicate than mother's love,and more pure than friendship.You,the teacher's love,are the greatest and most noble in the world.

The value of fireflies lies in taking care of others with the lamp hanging at the back;Your respect lies in always providing convenience to others.


Teachers are called "gardener"and "engineer of human soul",which is a profession respected by the whole society.As early as may 1931,educators Tai shuangqiu and Cheng Qibao proposed the establishment of teachers' day,issued the declaration of teachers' day,submitted it to the central government for approval,and held the first ceremony to celebrate Teachers' day at Nanjing Central University on June 6,1931.However,the Ministry of education at that time did not approve the inclusion of this festival in the school calendar.Despite this,teachers in many schools still held commemorative activities automatically on June 6.

In 1939,the Ministry of education at that time stipulated that the anniversary of Confucius' birthday on August 27 every year was teachers' day,and promulgated the Interim Measures for commemorating teachers' day,but it was not implemented later.

After the founding of new China,in 1951,the Ministry of education and the national education trade union agreed to abolish the teacher's day on June 6 and change the teacher's day to commemorate it together with the "May Day"International Labor Day.Due to the lack of teacher characteristics,the implementation effect was very unsatisfactory.Later,the teacher's Day was cancelled.

On January 21,1985,the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress decided that September 10 of each year was teachers' day.The teacher's Day is set as September 10.Considering the beginning of the new school year,the school should have a new atmosphere and teachers and students should have a new feeling.When freshmen enter school,they begin to respect teachers and attach importance to education,which can create a good atmosphere for teachers to teach well and students to learn well.At the same time,there are few national festivals in September,which is convenient for all parties to focus their time on organizing activities and highlighting publicity and reporting,and promote the formation of a good social fashion of respecting teachers,respecting education,respecting knowledge and respecting talents all over the country.

Teachers' Day is not only to praise teachers,but also to eulogize the brilliant and shape the human soul.I hope the whole society will respect teachers and education,so that the country will be rich and the people will be strong and prosperous!

Wish teachers all over the world health and longevity!Everything goes well!Happy every day!


This year's teacher's day,our office has become a sea of flowers.Flowers have become the "protagonist"of our festival,but I received a "special"gift.

Xiaoting is a little girl with two long braids and a story in her eyes.Because of her father's irresponsibility,her sick mother bears the heavy responsibility of the family;Because the expectation of her daughter's future,although studying in the city's public school,is a great burden for such a mother and daughter from a foreign country;Although I helped them avoid some expenses,I still often felt the hardships of their life.

But on today's teacher's day,she inadvertently handed me a small gift - a red signature pen that often accompanies me and is inseparable from me,and whispered,"teacher,happy holidays!"At that moment,my heart was full of moving and sweet happiness.I can even think of how much she spent in order to choose such a suitable gift!

This year's teacher's day,I received the most precious gift - the innocent childlike innocence of children and the intimate growth of children.This is the most valuable and unique gift I can cherish.







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