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发布时间:2018-02-06 编辑整理:范文参考网 来源:求职信 手机版



127 South Bend Road
Cleveland,Ohio 47379
January 29,1996

Mr.Donald R.Smith
Director of Marketing
Delro Foods Company
100 East River Road,Portland,Oregon 26718

Dear Mr.Smith:
I am writing to present my credentials for the position of Brand Manager,a position for whichI am exceptionally well-qualified.I am confident that you will quickly realize my ability to make major contributions to Delro Foods’marketing efforts upon reviewing the enclosed resume.
As my resume will attest,I have established an excellent reputation for pumping new life into old brands and making them perform.Examples of my accomplishments in this area are:
-Doubled Pikkels market share in only 9 mouths
-Increased Yums market share by 99% in two years
-Improved direct mail orders of Beard's Sunframes by 38% in 18 months through use of creative coupons
My contributions to new brands have been equally noteworthy.For example:
-Achieved 29% market share penetration for Leggins within one year of market introduction
-Completed national roll-out of Jelli-Roll in 6 months,reaching 18% market penetration
Perhaps I can make similar contributions to Delro Foods in the marketing of either new or existing brands.
Should you have room in your organization for a top-notch marketing professional who is capable of making immediate contributions to your marketing efforts and adding some real profit to your botton line,please give me a call.I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your consideration.



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